It occurred to me…

It occurred to me this morning that having a gameboard attached to one of my ancient messed up blogs might lead someone to reading my other posts. If so…

Well, let me tell you, things have definitely changed since November 2018! I left my Ex, my home, my friends, religion and a lot of personal belongings, and started a new life. Life. I actually found there was so much to live for.

As for church and religion – well I knew there was something off about it all along. Now looking from the outside in – yep, it’s completely rotten. I have so much I can say on this but wont bore you with it here.

And me now… I’m sailing:

“Dirk decided he would go sailing. Life, he liked to tell people, was like an ocean. You can either grind your way across it like a motorboat, or you can follow the winds and currents. In other words, go sailing”
– Douglas Adams, Salmon of Doubt

Listening to:
Butterfly Boucher – Drift On

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