New Beginnings Day

Saturday 23rd September 2023 is The Spring Equinox in Australia.

It is celebrated under various names around the world and at different times of the year in each of Earth’s hemispheres. For example, Ostara, Nowruz, Holi, Yom Kippur, and Shunbun no Hi. But you know what, they all have one thing in common. They all celebrate

New Beginnings. Starting over as new.

So to cover all cultures, I’ve been calling it ‘New Beginnings Day’ for over a month. I’ve been a little excited about it because it’s very literally a huge new beginning day for me.

I’ve gone into partnership with my brother and sister in law buying a house to renovate and flip. I’ve been living in a caravan for almost 3 years, moving here, there, and everywhere with it. Now I’m finally going to get a little more space to move around in AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, I’ve finally taken a step toward more financial freedom in the future.

We’ve been working toward this goal for a few months, and when we finally made the move, we were informed not to expect to get the keys till October. I told the others that I thought it should be September 23rd – New Beginnings Day.

Things went smooth, then hiccuped, then smooth, then abruptly stopped, then… well you get the idea. Then we were asked what date we’d like to move in. They put my date forward as a suggestion, and it was accepted. Things went pear shaped that morning leaving the others in a pickle while I restfully cruised home in my car, stopping for a snooze, a snack, and a geo-stash, completely oblivious to the stress the others were desperately navigating.

But in the end it all came together on the date I suggested and the exact time I predicted the week before. And I harkens to be almost home from my trip away, driving past the street I’d soon be living on just as a call came through that it was happening in a few minutes. Perfect! For me anyway.

And so it begins.